4500kg/hour of Cooked and Chilled Pasta
We are delighted to currently be in production with the largest CQC in the market and one of the largest we have ever built.
The Vortex 1350 – 4 basket offers a capacity of up to 4,500kg per hour of perfectly, evenly and consistently Cooked, Quenched and Chilled product to ≤ 5°C (though typically less than 3°C).
This existing customer currently has a 4 basket 900 machine and is “very pleased with the exceptional performance and reliability of the Vortex and quality of the product” and has now ordered an additional complete system including automatic loading and dewatering which we will be installing in the New Year.
If you are interested in producing capacities of this magnitude and would like to see this machine in build there is only one option…….The market leading VORTEX.
Please contact sales@vortechfm.com or call us on 0845 258 3003.